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Turning negative experiences into


—  Name, Title


The comment that started it all.

1 Un(b)read Message is the passion project turned to a global effort to shed light on the growing problem that is internet harassment. We take instances vulgarity and harassing language through social media and text messages, and interpret them into beautiful eye-opening pieces of art. 


Our fantastic team of artists has created an incredible compilation of differing styles: using embroidery, digital painting, photography, illustration, and so much more.


Every page contains the direct quotes of these harassers, and contrasts them with their chosen medium. Each of our colorful pages has the unique touch and influence of that individual artist. 


Much like the wall of selfies donated to the page to the left, we have had an enormous amount of donated personal instances from men and women all over the world. It is incredible to know there are so many supporters, but it is bittersweet to think they have all been victims too.


With the help of dedicated supporters on Kickstarter, we are able to share their stories and bring light to harassment people receive on a daily basis.

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